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Divide into groups, stock up on guns and ammunition, and head out into the territory of the Judean Desert.

The Dead Sea Paintball Experience, is the kind of activity you’ll be talking about all the way back home.

Families, friends, summer-camps or team-building participants – you’re all invited to the Paintball game, which encompasses a consolidation challenge.

The Paintball game offers the opportunity to test your teamwork and collaboration skills.

This is the place to show everyone that you’re not only a smooth talker – you also know how to take action!

In addition to Paintball, there is also an ODT (out-door-training) activity: an outdoor, group consolidation activity that combines leadership development and ‘thinking outside of the box’.

The activity is based in the Jerusalem and Dead Sea area, but activity can also be booked for all parts of the country.
Suitable for groups of 6-100 participants.

General details about the place
  • Daytime activities
  • Outdoor activities
  • Reservations/Booking in Advance
  • Suitable for children
  • Suitable for Events/Team-Building Days
  • Suitable for families
  • Suitable for Groups
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Contact us
Email|[email protected] Address| Kedem Arava
Hours of Activity|

Sunday-Friday, to be coordinated in advance.

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Additional experiences that may interest you
Attractions and Workshops

Life Paintings

Suzette Razon, artist and teacher for over 30 years, has developed a method of “life  paintings,” which allow participants to better understand and feel themselves through  drawing.  With this method, Suzette guides people on how to approach painting and  drawing from a variety of angles, just like life, which can observed from many  directions.  The activity can be done through uninhibited drawing with crayons, and without  really understanding how to draw at all.   A short, spontaneous drawing with no planning at all. However, it comes with the  attitude of a young child who is happy with any result.  Suzette’s goal is to bring out your creativity and discover shapes and colors  through a fun and relaxing painting experience.  Personal or group meetings in Mount Amasa in the forest or in the desert in order  to easily draw and derive inspiration and creativity.  You can also purchase instructional videos for painting at home in your free  time  See you in the pictures,  Suzette Razon 
Outside of the Box
Duration: 02:00 hours

Agricultural Tours – Korin's Home

An agricultural tour for groups and families in the agricultural fields of Kikar Sodom. The tour is accompanied by stories and...
Attractions and Workshops

Tzoof Winery

Eliezer and Deganit Bar Sade, the pioneers of tourism in Arad and the region,  invite you to their home for a visit to the Tzoof Winery.  The winery is charming and unique. The organic and natural wine is meticulously  prepared thanks to a thorough understanding of the grape skins and their types.  It’s possible to attend a wine tasting, enjoy a picnic, and have a workshop about  the world of wine.  Book in advance. Up to 50 participants in a tour. 

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