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The Sodom & Amora (Love) Festival

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Those who know the Dead Sea will be familiar with its hotel complex. However, they may not know that, only 25 minutes’ drive southeast of it, are two beautiful agricultural Moshavs – Neot HaKikar and Ein Tamar. These Moshavs (agricultural communities) are located in the Biblical area of Sodom. However, in complete antithesis to Biblical Sodom, they extend the warm hospitality befitting a qualitative, moral, pioneering community.

This community makes its living more and more from tourism, and is transforming the desert around it, into an area bustling with life.

The Sodom & Amora (Love) Festival is the annual flagship festival of the Kikar Sodom communities – a local celebration with an international orientation. Moreover, there is a vision to turn the Sodom brand-name into something positive and inviting – from Sodom & Gomorrah to Sodom & Amora (Love)!

About Sodom & Amora (Love)
We are excited to invite you to a heart-warming, exciting experience! Two days of unconditional love – for yourself, for others, for life. Performances, parties, workshops and thrilling ceremonies,
will take us all on a journey together. A journey of recollecting the magic of life, and our fellowship with each and every person we meet on life’s journey.

A shared journey – there is only one content at each stage of the journey. In Sodom and Love, you won’t miss anything!

We’re all invited to go through it together; a wonderful personal experience within a very powerful collective field.

The Sodom and Love Festival is an invitation from the local community, to introduce you to another home in Israel.

A home where you can, and should, relax and be who you are. Meet the magical Nature of the southern Dead Sea, and the deep heart of the local people.

The Essence of the Festival
~ Combining the elements of celebration, sanctity and simple human connection.
~ A high-quality, ongoing celebration that recharges your batteries and fills you with joy.
~ An acquaintance with the residents of Kikar Sodom – the salt of the earth, who live in this remote area, and who are ingrained with qualities that simply can’t be found on the pavements in the center of the country.


The Sodom and Love Festival is a revolutionary initiative. The vision is to grow and re-brand this magical region of the land!

Come and be part of a community that writes history in the present tense, and generates a focus of love and spirit by the seashore of this natural, international treasure – the Dead Sea. Land.

The Compounds of the Festival
The Central Compound – the main concourse of the festival is the heart and arena for all of us. Let’s go in and gather together for activities, workshops, ceremonies, parties and performances. While the main concourse is running, there is no parallel content and everyone meets up for a joint step in the journey…

The Village Square – a space to relax, sit over a glass of chai with cake, or a hearty meal. A place to dance to the sounds of a performance that has just begun, or to drift into fascinating conversations with new companions on the same journey. This is the space of organic life, jamming sessions, encounters and quality-time with fellow immersion lovers.

The Workshop Compound – workshops for more intimate groups of movement, creativity, awareness and more – with the best guides.

The Kiddies’ Workshop Compound – the children’s kingdom, full of activities using color, creation, music and movement.

The Spirit Compound – a space with a good fire, caregivers and shamans – this is a space to come and rest, recharge, fill up, receive support, guidance and inspiration.

General details about the event
Kikar Sodom
Location on the map
Contact Information
Email|[email protected] Address| Kikar Sodom


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