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Duration: 02:00 hours

Ein Bokek

The trail to Ein Bokek, in the Bokek Stream, is an enchanting experience in the Dead Sea Land, and is...
Duration: 01:00 hours

Ein Plutit

Ein Plutit is the perfect place for those who want to dip their feet in the water, without all that...
Duration: 02:00 hours

Enot Tsukim Nature Reserve

An oasis of amazing beauty with an abundance of sweet springs, plants and herbs that create a unique nature reserve...

From Deir Hajla to Wadi Nahil

This is a fascinating hiking trail that passes through marlstone landscapes where many phenomena are revealed - the results of...
Duration: 04:00 hours

Lower Nahal Tze'elim

A hike in Nahal Tze'elim is always fascinating and belongs in the trip-category of strong walkers. Lower Nahal Tze'elim begins in...
Duration: 03:00 hours

Maale Yair route

The steep road in the south of the Judean desert was formerly called Ma'ale Yaalim. Yair Peled, the commander of...

Mashash Muraba'at

Nahal Mashash is a typical stream in the Judean Desert with a steep canyon, various animals, and plants unique to...

Monks' Caves

Seclusion in the desert is an historical phenomenon, known throughout the ages. Many hermits came to the Judean Desert and...
Duration: 08:00 hours

Nahal Darga

The Nahal Darga canyon is one of the most challenging, difficult and beautiful hiking trails in Israel. The black-marked path, descending...

Nahal Darga

The Nahal Darga canyon is one of the most challenging, difficult and beautiful hiking trails in Israel. The black-marked path, descending...

Nahal David

Nahal David, in the Ein Gedi Nature Reserve, is considered one of the most attractive streams in the Dead Sea...

Nahal Og

The stream channels of Nahal Og begin in northeast Jerusalem, and run parallel to Route 1 on the way to...

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